Investing 101: Economy and The Stock Market For Beginners

Attendee Reviews

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Investing 101: Economy and The Stock Market For Beginners

Total of 360 reviews

- 4.62 -

Average Rating

Bianca Del Rio

Occupation: CCS Instructor

Location: NCR

"I was still able to learn many things even though, I'm still a beginner when it comes to stock investments. And would love to let my friends to also learn how to invest in the stock market."

Celina Pae Borillo

Occupation: App Sec Consultant


"When he shared his own style of trading and analysis"

Earl Leo Baldomaro

Occupation: Electrical Engineer

Location: Region VII

". . . ."

Lois Gail Bones

Occupation: Student

Location: Region XI

"Some parts of the discussion was too fast for me to understand, thus it was sort of an overload for a beginner. So, it can be discussed slowly in parts where there are solving."

Sonia Chugani

Occupation: self employed

Location: Region XI

"how the speaker gave real life examples of everything he explained. made it easier to understand"

Mary Rose Alberto

Occupation: Lecturer


"The thing I like most about it that it was a very informative seminar. The resource speaker provided some methods, the trading platform and the tools we can use if we want to invest in the stock market. He also showed realistic situations on how we can prepare in the process of investing and how we can actually do it ourselves online."

Elizabeth Tugonon

Occupation: Accounting

Location: Region II

"More topics covered."

Noel Pagaduan

Occupation: Real Estate Broker

Location: NCR

"Better internet connection. Maybe hand outs to be sent in advance..?"

Roilingel Calilung

Occupation: Entrepreneur

Location: Region III

"The knowledge mastery of the speaker as well as the flow of the discussion."

Mary Johanah Encabo

Occupation: HR ASSITANT

Location: Region VII

"Better explanation in the future for newbies"

Juan Alfonso Banares

Occupation: Unit Manager


"A comprehensive guide on fundamental analysis. Learned more than enough to be able to start investing in the stock market. Additional insights on other investment options were also helpful."

Van John Tompong

Occupation: Realty Infrastructure Services Officer

Location: Region VII

"Learning how we can invest in international stocks using E Toro"

Mylon Villasante

Occupation: Bpo

Location: Region VII


Marco Antonio Salomon

Occupation: seaman

Location: Region V

"Very informative"

Mel Harvey Condrillon

Occupation: Engr

Location: Region VII

"Local Stocks discussion"

Rogelio Jr Laput

Occupation: Technical Support Lead


"The speaker. He's really great at explaining things."

Bernie Rosanno Boclaras

Occupation: Homebased Employees

Location: Region XI

"The simplicity of the presentation."

Rosemarie Anne Alamban

Occupation: Teacher

Location: Region X

"The topic provides realistic examples"

Riner Andrie Aballe

Occupation: Resume Writer

Location: Region VII

"It's worth my time and money."

Rustine Floyd Batucan

Occupation: Credit Officer

Location: Region VIII

"When the speaker discussed about what to select stocks that is feasible or appropriate to buy in certain economic conditions."